were created after animals and plants. Humans were created de novo as humans. All humans have a common biological origin
and are different from other creations. Human creation was a deliberate and not a random or accidental event. It was revolutionary
and not evolutionary. Evolution by natural selection is denial of the existence of a Creator. Parity found in human creation
is part of the general phenomenon of parity found in other creations: in animals, in plants, and in physical phenomena like
day and night.
creation is optimal in structure and function. It is beautiful, orderly, harmonious, organized, and precise. It is superior
to and is honored above all other creations. It is unique and the most sophisticated. The human is dual being both body and
soul; matter and spirit. Humans carry responsibility while all other creations do not. Humans were placed at the top of the
food pyramid and all other creations were made subservient to them.
were created in a perfect natural state. This is the best state both biologically, morally, socially, and psychologically.
It however can be degraded or distorted by human behavior biologically, and morally. Both nature and nurture play a role in
human action and behavior. The relative role of each varies according to what aspects of human biology and behavior are being
considered. The basic human nature enables humans to know the bad from the good in most cases. Humans have innate strengths
and weaknesses in their nature. Humans are dualistic in mature having a material part (the body) and a non-material part (the
soul or spirit). Thus human behavior is under dual control. Humans live in the empirical world of the seen world. Their interaction
with the unseen world can only be through religious media. It is a unique duality of the human that he has both negative attributes
such as aggression and positive attributes such as gratitude. The most important attribute of humans is intelligence that
is highly developed, sophisticated, specialized, and capable of abstract thought and problem solving.
are superior to all other creations because of their intellect, a free will, a sense of responsibility, and a sense of moral
guidance. Superior intellect is due to a better-developed and sophisticated cerebral cortex. The intellect enables humans
analyze, understand, and expand knowledge through research. The intellect enables humans control their physical environment.
Closely related to intellect is the power of speech and communication that enables humans to carry out social intercourse
and thus succeed in living in families and communities. Human intellect can be used positively or can be used for destruction
of society and the ecosystem.
humans have a common biological origin based on DNA. They also have a common social origin and human cultures resemble one
another in many ways. Variations in body structure and skin color are used to identify 3 human races: mongoloid, negroid,
and caucasoid. Variations exist within each race. All humans regardless of race are from the same species and can interbreed.
Humans vary by gender, race, customs, language, and social organization.